Based in the Basque Country, Isabel Díez is a nature photographer and marine science researcher. Since her childhood, Isabel has maintained a dual relationship with nature: a rational one that arises from her curiosity about how life works, along with a spiritual connection that emerges from the inner revelations that she experiences in the wild. As she describes: “When I am in nature I can clearly feel my life energy. My soul, my mind and my body become one and I am filled with a profound feeling of peace and freedom”. The artistic and analytical sides of her personality have flourished symbiotically to give a body of work that depict the natural world through lyrical and evocative images that go beyond showing the physical appearance of subjects.
Her work is exhibited regularly throughout Spain and she has taken part in several exhibitions in other countries. She enjoys giving talks about the creative process of landscape photography and leads workshops on her speciality. She was a member of the project ‘Objetivo Pura Vida’ [Objective Pure Life] staged by the Spanish Embassy in Costa Rica to portray the extraordinary biodiversity of this country. She was Editor in Chief of the IRIS magazine of the Spanish Nature Photographers Association (Aefona) over the 2011-2014 period. In 2009 she published her first book 'At the Edge of the Tides', a monograph containing a collection of photographs through which Isabel shows her admiration and curiosity for the coastal landscape. Likewise, her pictures have been published in leading magazines such as Photographic Art, France Photographie, Profifoto, Outdoor Photography, among others, and have been awarded in prestigious international photo contests, including Nature's Best Photography, GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year and Glanzlichter.