GDT membership

Our members form the soul and backbone of the association's life. In our 15 regional groups spread across Germany, a supra-regional youth group and an additional regional group in Switzerland, GDT members of all ages find a platform to exchange ideas with like-minded people, experience nature together and realize their own projects. Whether it's fascinating illustrated books, impressive exhibitions or captivating multivisions, the GDT offers a wide range of opportunities to live out and share a passion for nature photography.

Our regional groups are spread throughout Germany and offer regular meetings where members can present their latest work, get feedback and receive valuable tips from other photography enthusiasts. In addition, the groups organize excursions into nature, where the beauty of the landscapes is captured together and new techniques are exchanged. These excursions are not only an opportunity to take stunning photos, but also to make friends and strengthen the network within the GDT.

Everyone is welcome to join the GDT, from ambitious amateurs to professional photographers. Whether you are just starting to take an interest in nature photography or you are already an experienced professional with an extensive collection of impressive work, the GDT offers you an inspiring community in which to share and develop your passion. Here you will find a unique blend of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for nature photography that enriches everyone and makes club life something very special.

The GDT sees itself as a community of people who share a deep connection to nature as well as a common passion for photography. Our values are based on three pillars: photographic quality, authenticity of the images and working with, for and in the interests of nature conservation. These basic principles are the core of our association and are reflected in everything we do.

We look forward to seeing you - in our regional groups, in our competitions, at our festival, in our midst!