Augenzeugen der Natur- 50 Years GDT
Nature photography through the ages
Published on 30.10.2021 by Tecklenborg-Verlag in German language
A club - our club - turns 50. So what? One of 600,000 in Germany. The largest is a football club with 293,000 members, the oldest several times as old as the GDT. Actually, it is not a club at all, this Society of German Animal Photographers. One can only guess why it chose to call itself that. And indeed, Gesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen really does sound like more than just an association for animal photography, perhaps even a little elitist. In any case, the name has not done any harm. The members of this society have always come from all walks of life and professions: Taxi drivers, craftsmen, veterinarians, zookeepers, students, teachers, nurses, doctors, scientists and many more have joined together to pursue a fascinating activity in the community, nature photography. And some have even become professional photographers through this hobby.
Nobody would have dreamed of this back then ...
50 years of GDT history
A little foretaste for you to read and download:
Chapter one from our anniversary book.
50 years of GDT - summarised in a varied and charming way
by Werner Bollmann and Winfried Wisniewski.